Puerto Rico plays an essential role in shortening supply lines in the Caribbean region, but it is also a significant American manufacturing player. Will it play a role in re-shoring American manufacturing from Asia? Puerto Rico already produces more pharmaceuticals than any other single US location. Will it be called on to mass-produce a COVID-19 vaccine?
Jeff recommends a few ways that we can improve and strengthen the Caribbean cold supply chain. Heightened inspection throughout the network tops of the list. What proven strategies are the best companies using to monitor goods? Planning for more efficiency and being responsive is necessary for reinforcing the system. How can logistics and transportation professionals make the best decisions in 2021?
Jeff Vaughn has much more to say on the cold supply chain, with specific references to the Caribbean and Latin America. Check out his full article to understand the vital role 3PLs play in this region. Read Reinforcing & Stabilizing the Caribbean Cold Supply Chain at FreightWaves.
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