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Trailer Bridge President of Logistics on a Supply Chain Misconception that Needs Clearing Up

Trailer Bridge President of Logistics on a Supply Chain Misconception that Needs Clearing Up

The March issue of InBound Logistics “That’s a Good Question” series invited industry leaders to weigh in on a supply chain misconception they felt needs to be cleared up. Trailer Bridge’s President of Logistics Eric Masotti joined the conversation which included a wide variety of answers ranging from technology to workforce diversity, disruption and the ‘new normal’.

“The shortage of truck drivers is a systemic issue,” said Masotti. “This is just not the case. What we have seen are temporary fluctuations in capacity based on the demand for shipped goods versus the supply of trucks available, often due to drivers leaving or entering based on the strength of the market.”

Eric’s thoughts on the question come from more than twenty years in the business working with carriers to move freight across North America. His viewpoint centered around drivers was not the only answer that highlighted the human aspect of today’s supply chain. Others who weighed in called out the importance of human intellect alongside the use of AI as well as the importance for industry professionals to connect and solve the current challenges together.

For more insights on this topic, visit the Inbound Logistics article HERE.

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